Martin Marietta Parkdale Quarry serves as an emergency water source for firefighters
Cañon City, Colorado site helps during disaster
After a lightning strike caused a forest fire in Colorado, crews from the Bureau of Land Management and local fire departments used water from Parkdale Quarry to fight the flames.
“This is the second time in two years that local authorities have relied on water provided by the quarry to allow a quick response to a wildland fire in the area,” said West Division Manager of Geology and Survey David Bieber, who recently retired.
In the case of this year’s fire, named the Poverty Fire, crews were able to transport a helicopter load of water from the Cañon City, Colorado, site approximately every five minutes. Having a water source so close to the fire helped limit the burn area to approximately 5 acres, officials said.
“The team at Parkdale Quarry is proud to serve as a resource that local emergency responders can rely on for support,” Bieber added.